During Lent in 2019, we are sharing 7 video-devotionals that focus on making room for God to speak and to work in our lives. We're excited to have Alyssa Mezsick sharing these devotional thoughts, along with scriptures, stories, songs and activities that can help you and your family refocus your attention on God.
Making Room
Part 7: Holy week
Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, and the day when we recognize Jesus as the true Messiah, Our King Forever. But Jesus' glorification came from the act of being hung on a cross. This seems counter-intuitive. The way of the Kingdom of God is not like the way of this world. And if we desire to be great in the Kingdom of God, we must become less.
This week, simplify your life and spend extra time seeking God.
Read the Gospel accounts of Jesus' last days, His crucifixion and resurrection. Resources
Participate in the Good Friday experience at Summit between 12PM and 6PM this Friday.
Participate in an Easter Worship Service on Sunday at 8AM, 9:30AM or 11AM.
Part 6: The Great Banquet
Jesus described a day when we will sit at a table with Him and feast together. Until that day, we are ambassadors for God, living in a foreign land, and doing the work of our Father. We are a part of God's plan of reconciliation. And we have the distinct privilege of showing others a glimpse of who God is.
Are you living out your purpose as an ambassador for Christ? Do others see a better picture of God because of you?
What are some things that distract you from your role of ambassador?
What can you change this week that help you better represent Christ?
Part 5: Stewardship & Calling
Nearing the end of Jesus' ministry grew nearer to the crucifixion, He told several parables that challenged His followers to be faithful during His absence. We are still living in that challenge! So the question passes to you...
How will you be faithful with what God has entrusted to you? How are you using your gifts for the Kingdom?
Would God say to you, "well done, good and faithful servant?" If you are unsure of that, what needs to change in your heart and in your life so that you honor Him with what you've been given?
Part 4: Personal Confession
Before you let this week's title scare you away, think about this: The best way to experience the amazing grace of God is to acknowledge our own sin and shortcomings, confess them to God, and realize that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us!
Take some time this week to reflect:
Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the sin in your life.
Confess. Turn from it.
And accept the grace of God that is extended to you.
Part 3: Kingdom of God
Jesus came to usher in the Kingdom of God on this earth. That work has begun, and continues in each one of us. But, as evidenced by our fallen and broken world, the work is far from complete. What can we do in our homes, our communities and our world to live into Jesus’ vision of the Kingdom of God?
Take time to ask yourself:
What simple and immediate things can I do to live into God's Kingdom?
Part 2: Beloved Children
Our identity is an important part of our faith, and it is directly linked to Jesus Christ. But in our culture, there are many voices telling us who we are, or who we should be. Are we listening to the wrong voices? In this week's video we learn about how God sees us as His dearly loved children.
This week, we are challenged to see ourselves as God sees us, and to stop listening to the voices of the world.
Take some time after watching this video to ask yourself:
What are some of the voices you are allowing to shape your identity? Does this need to change?
Part 1: Habits & Prayer
Lent is not a season for "behavior management," it is a season for simplifying our lives so that we can be more responsive to God. In part 1 of this journey through Lent together, Alyssa Mezsick lays out the roadmap for the next few weeks and asks us to prayerfully consider our habits and our prayer patterns during this season.
Take some time, after watching the video, to prayerfully consider these questions:
What habit can you remove from your life during this season that will make room for God to speak to you?
What habit can you add into your life during this season that will make room for God to speak to you?