Summit Preteen meets weekly on Sunday mornings in Meeting Rooms A&B at Summit Church from 10:45 to Noon. This is a ministry for preteens currently in 4th and 5th grade. We believe this age group is in a unique stage of life as they learn how to take their faith, identity, and purpose into the real world. We lead preteens to follow Christ through engaging games, teaching, and small group time. Preteens are also encouraged to join us every Sunday for our worship celebrations at 9AM, as well as on YouTube at 6PM. For more information, please email Pastor Chuck.
March 2 - Summit Preteen - 10:45AM
March 9 - Summit Preteen - 10:45AM
March 16 - Summit Preteen - 10:45AM
March 23 - Summit Preteen - 10:45AM
March 30 - Summit Preteen - 10:45AM
April 3 - Sky Zone - 1-3PM