We are a congregational church. That means that YOU are the real ministers of our church. The church staff is here to help equip our congregation to serve, not to serve the congregation. That means that YOU have an active role among us!


Our staff helps to plan, organize, and oversee the ministries of our church. Below you will find our church staff and descriptions of the areas they oversee.

  • Danielle Gipson Women's Ministry Director / Ministry Assistant

    Danielle is a full-time Ministry Assistant at Summit, as well as the Director of Women's Ministry. She and her husband Joseph have two children: Oscar and Anabelle. The Gipsons have been a part of our church since 2013, and Danielle joined our staff in 2016.

  • Nakita Walter Office Manager / Summit soccer Director

    Nakita and her husband Ryan came to Summit in 2018. They have three children: Laina, Reniya, and Dakota. As Office Manager, Nakita oversees the church's front office. She also serves as our Summit Soccer Director, where Nakita works to help our Summit Soccer program run smoothly.

  • John MacDonald Ministry Assistant-Finance

    John joined the staff as a part-time Ministry Assistant-Finance in January 2023. He and his wife Sue have attended Summit for many years. John has served on Team Nehemiah and the Finance Team and can be seen many Sunday mornings playing bass on the Worship Team.

  • Kalie Wieger SUmmit Soccer Assistant League Director

    Kalie and her husband Matt came to Summit Church in 2018. They have three children: Allie, Emrie, and Macie. Kalie joined the Summit staff as a part-time Office Assistant for Summit Soccer in 2024. 

  • Jared Sergio Ministry assistant

    Jared started as an intern at Summit Church in January 2021. He has attended Summit Church his entire life. He is a part-time Ministry Assistant working on Student Ministry, Worship Arts, and Graphic Design.

  • Jessica Pyke Connections Director

    Jessica joined our team in 2024 and is our part-time Connections Director, overseeing the Connect Team. Jessica and her husband Kevin have attended Summit since 2022. They have four children: Jack, Brianna, Madilyn, and Eric.

  • Ellen Morse Summit kids assistant director

    Ellen joined our staff in 2021 as a part-time Summit Kids Assistant Director. She and her husband Gabe have been a part of Summit Church since 2016, and they have seven children: Caleb, Ben, Morgan, Isabelle, Elise, Sophia, and Evvie. 

  • Amy Stuglik summit kids director

    Amy joined our staff as the full-time Summit Kids Director in June 2023. Amy and her husband Dan have one daughter, Charlotte, and another on the way. They have attended Summit Church for many years.

  • SUmmit Youth Pastor

    We're looking to hire a Youth Pastor to oversee 6th-12th grade students ministry here at Summit Church! Click HERE for the job description. Please email Pastor Chuck if you would like more information. 

  • kayte hatch Associate Pastor

    Pastor Kayte joined the staff in 2015, and has been attending Summit her entire life. She and her husband Jordan have three sons: Everett, Jayce, and Calston. Kayte provides support and leadership to many ministries at Summit Church.

  • Chris Glantz Associate Pastor

    Pastor Chris joined our staff in 2025 as Associate Pastor. He and his wife Teresa have two adult daughters and four grandchildren. Pastor Chris oversees discipleship, groups, and pastoral care at Summit.

  • Caleb Hoskins Associate Pastor

    Pastor Caleb and his wife Jacene came to Niles in 2007. They have three children: Maya, Evan, and Isla. Caleb is the primary worship leader at Summit. He oversees the worship arts, including music, design, and technology.

  • CHUCK ZOOK  associate PASTOR

    Pastor Chuck and his wife Gabi came to Summit in 2013. They have four daughters: Kelanie, Emma, Sofie, and Lina. Chuck served in Student Ministry at Summit for seven years, and is now an Associate Pastor, focusing on teaching, family ministry, and worship.

  • Dan Miller Lead Pastor

    Pastor Dan and his wife Rhonda came to Niles in 1992. They have three children: Kayte, Dayleigh, and Ben. As the Lead Pastor, Dan provides spiritual direction for the church, along with our Elders. He is one of the primary teaching pastors, oversees the church staff, and is passionate about equipping the local church to lead people to follow Christ.


The people of our church, through God's leadership, determine the direction we go. The congregation elects elders to provide more direct spiritual oversight and to support the staff and ministry leaders in our church.

  • Eric Hoppstock

    Eric is the Superintendent of Berrien RESA. He and his wife, Liane, have two adult children. The Hoppstocks have been a part of Summit since the 90's. Eric has served Summit in many ways over the years, including teaching classes, and serving on the finance team, missions team, and Team Nehemiah.

  • Chris Jankoviak

    Chris is the V.P. of Sales at New Age Telecom in LaPorte, IN. Chris and his wife, Mandy, have six children and have attended Summit for many years. Chris has served at Summit in many areas, including preaching, teaching, and student and men's ministries.

  • Jeff Mann

    Jeff is a missionary with Life Action Ministries and has been with them for more than 25 years. He currently works at Life Action Camp. He and his wife, Maria, have four kids. Jeff has served at Summit Church in various ways over the years with the worship team, as a study group leader, and with Summit Kids and Summit Youth. The Mann family has been attending Summit since 1996.

  • Neal Mikel

    Neal is the Sexton of the Silverbrook Cemetery. He and his wife, Kim, have been married for over 30 years. Together, they have 2 adult sons, Kyle (Juli) and Drew (Julia), and one grandson. Neal served with Summit Youth for many years and has also hosted Life Groups and drives our church bus.

  • Tim Fletcher Sr.

    Rev. Tim Fletcher is a retired ordained minister with the Missionary Church. He and his wife, Debbie, have been married for 49 years. They have three children and four grandchildren. Tim currently leads a Life Group and teaches classes here at Summit, as well as teaching bible classes at a local community center.

  • Adam Riggenbach

    Adam is an Automotive Painter for Tyler Collision Center. He and his wife, Mary, have been married over 20 years. They have five children: Owen, Ian, Isaiah, Anna, and Abe. Adam and Mary have served at Summit in Coffee Ministry, Life Groups and Preteen Ministry. Adam and his boys also help with the Event Set-up Crew. 

  • Evan Hauger

    Evan is a Detective Lieutenant with the Michigan State Police. He and his wife, Kristin, have been married for 14 years. They have three children: Levi, Liberty, and Logan. Evan leads the Safety Team and has led various classes throughout his years at Summit. He is also a part of the Wednesday morning men's Bible study.

Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith. Hebrews 13:7