Serve the world

At Summit, we believe that every follower of Christ should actively serve somewhere. There are many places within Summit where you can serve. We also have local and global ministry partners that we work with to create opportunities for service.

Connect Team

This team is dedicated to making sure people's experience at Summit is a great one. Door greeters, ushers, connection hosts, and coffee ministry are all about making people's experience at Summit welcoming. 

Connect with Jessica>

Worship arts

The weekend services at Summit are specially designed to help people connect with God and know Him more. We make an effort to engage people through their senses and through the arts, in ways that allow them to worship God.

We make the effort to allow music, technical arts, presentation, drama and video draw people into a meaningful experience with God. 

Connect with Caleb>


 "'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.' And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them." -Mark 10:14b-16

There are many opportunities to serve in Summit Kids, including check-in, teaching, worship, midweek preparations and more. If you have a love for kids and a desire to serve, we have a place for you! 

Connect with Amy>


There are many teams with Summit that do hands-on service and ministry. Here are some of the teams and what they do...

  • Meals Team - Provides meals for families with needs such as hospitalizations and birth of children.
  • Facility Team - Works on projects to maintain and improve our facility.
  • Worship Arts Team - Plans and executes weekend services; finds creative ways for our church to express our worship to God.
  • Connect Team - Plans and executes creating a welcoming environment for guests at Summit Church. 
  • Missions Team - Facilitates ways for our congregation to engage in local and foreign mission projects. 
  • Finance Team - Oversees the making and approval of the church's operating budget. Provides accountability. 
  • Youth Leadership Team - Provides oversight and direction for youth ministry; engages in direct ministry with teens.
  • Kids Leadership Team - Provides oversight and direction for children's ministry; engages in direct ministry with kids. 
  • Facility team

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  • Worship team

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  • Missions Team

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As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another... 1 Peter 4:10