Why do we value groups?

A Church is a community of people who are intentionally seeking and following Jesus Christ together. While every person is on his or her own spiritual journey, at Summit Church, we believe that you will grow in your relationship with God to the greatest extent when you are connected to other believers.

This is why Summit Church values groups. A group is collective of people that grow and are held together by some type of unifying goal. It could be healing from past pain or walking through a challenging season of life. It could be a common desire to study scripture or to go deeper in your understanding of a sermon from Sunday morning. Whatever the goal, Groups are a tool we use to deliberately focus on meaningful and spiritually-refining relationships. We believe face-to-face interaction is vital in living an abundant life as each and every person becomes more like Jesus Christ.

Bottom line: You should be in a group.

How do I join a group?

You’ll see below that there are many groups to join at Summit Church. However, not all of them are active all year. Some are seasonal and some are cyclical. Sometimes the group makeup will shift and change, sometimes groups stay the same for multiple years. 

To find more information or to register for a group, click the link next to the group you are interested in. If a group doesn’t have a link, it may be that the group is currently full, or is not currently meeting. Keep checking back for new openings! If you have any other questions, email info@summitniles.com

  • Life Groups are comprised of 8-12 people who meet at least two times per month to grow together, learning what it means to follow Christ in a relationally-refining environment. Typically, Life Groups are centered around sermon-based discussion. We are continually working at building out new life groups, so if you are interested in facilitating or joining a group, fill out this FORM

  • Join men in the Summit Church Gathering Area for early morning discussion and study before heading off to work on Wednesdays from 6-7AM. There is no need to register for this group, grab your bible and join us! 

  • This group meets Tuesdays from 8-9AM in the Worship Center at Summit Church. We will learn to pray, seeking intimacy with The Lord together. Bring your bible! There is no childcare for this group, and they do not meet on holiday weeks.

  • This study reveals the truth and nature of sexual addiction and how the addict’s behaviors wound women. For women who have suffered betrayal, their healing comes from understanding the role of trauma, establishing healthy boundaries, exploring the depth of forgiveness, and learning to live in restoration. The Betrayal and Beyond study allows women to seek healing and explore practical tools in a group setting. This group is currently closed but repeats annually. 

  • Many men who struggle with sexual brokenness try to go it alone. They believe the lie that sexual brokenness is about sex; when it’s about medicating the pain in their lives. Despite their losses—marriage, ministry, relationships, and more—they return to unwanted sexual behaviors. Through the Seven Pillars of Freedom, you’ll start to understand your whole story and identify what contributes to your sexual brokenness. You will begin your recovery from unwanted sexual behavior with a trusted group of men on the same journey. This group is currently closed but repeats annually.

  • JOY Group meets during the school year and provides an opportunity for those with cognitive impairment to experience a worship service designed just for them. It is a group within the Special Friends Ministry at Summit Church. Register participants HERE or Volunteer HERE.

  • The goal and purpose of this group is to offer support and community during this difficult season and to walk you through divorce with Christ by your side. This is a group for those who have already been through a DivorceCare season, or whose lives have been affected by divorce and who need to talk to people who understand. This group is led by Mike & Meredith Schoeller and Mandy Jankoviak and meets relationally. For more information email info@summitniles.com.